FG is a simple utility that let you 'emulate' a finger like you see on UNIX servers or such. Just put any reply as data and anyone Fingering you will get this data as a reply, no matter what user or query he sends. You can also do basic Finger commands using FG such as fingering a user, there is built-in repeats for both Listening and Sending queries.
How to use Finger Tools™
FG is easy to use and pretty intuitive. Just enter the data you want to send to the users that query you, press listen, and you are ready. To query a user on a Finger Host is as easy, just enter the host, user and if necessary, number of floods (Flooding a server may cause it to crash and you could get in trouble, I'm not responsible for misuse of this application...) press Query and you get your answer, as simple as that.
How much does FingerTools™ cost?
Nothing, like all my applications FingerTools™ is freeware and will remain freeware. As long as it keeps in his original package you can distribute it anywhere you want to, as long as it is for non-lucrative purpose otherwise you must contact the author (me.. duh) at weedo@bigfoot.com.
Closing Notes
Hope you'll enjoy this little utility, its nothing complicated or very very useful but it can always help, you never know when you'll need a Finger ;P Contact me at weedo@bigfoot.com for questions or comments.